Author Archives: info

New Clinics

Mr Frosh is pleased to announce that, due to demand, he has expanded his clinic base at Spire Hospital, Harpenden. Clinic appointments are now available there on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

He is also still at One Hatfield Hospital on Mondays and Thursdays.

One Hatfield Hospital

For information about appointment availability, please see the contact information page.

Hayfever Season

With summer on it’s way, and more time in your garden or outside for daily exercise, enjoyment may be curtailed by the misery of hayfever. Up to 1 in 4 people in the UK are affected by seasonal allergic rhinitis – also known as hay fever. This year is expected to be the worst hayfever season for a long time.

Common symptoms include an itchy or runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion. Trees produce pollen in late spring, and some grasses continue to produce pollen until September; meaning the season can last for many months.

Make sure that you start your medication as soon as possible. If it isn’t working, or you would like further advice, please contact Mr Frosh, who specialises in hayfever treatment, and can offer both telephone and video consultations at this moment in time.

Adam Frosh Finds Milk and Dairy Products Do Affect Mucus Production

Adam Frosh was the lead investigator on a recent randomised control trial (RCT) that was intended to answer the question: Does milk or dairy products worsen the production of mucus in people who have rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal lining, usually caused by allergy such as hayfever)?

The RCT was “blinded” so that the participants did not know at any point if they had dairy in their diets or not. And the findings were of great interest – there does appear to be an association with excess mucus production and milk/ dairy.

Mr Frosh is recommending further research, as this was the first study, and further studies are needed to confirm, but this is very interesting news.

For information on his paper and his presentation to the Triological Society, see here. For some press coverage, see here

ENT Research Fund

Mr Frosh has secured a significant research grant to establish an ENT research unit in Hertfordshire. The unit is equipped with a Nasal function laboratory, is run by a research team with two dedicated research nurses and is also supported by doctors in training and academic staff at the University of Hertfordshire.

The research fund has recently been used to contribute to a surgical skills simulator for ear surgery training, collaboration with the university on training modules for GPs, and is funding a number of research projects.

One current study that may be of real interest  is a study on the effects of milk and diary products on mucus production. This fits in with Mr Frosh’s interests in allergy and nasal and sinus function.

The Surgeon in the Kitchen

Adam front coverMr Frosh is passionate about getting things right – and an eye for detail.  This isn’t just in his surgery, but also as a host and an amateur chef.

Mr Frosh is publishing a book about the etiquette, the fine food and the conviviality involved in hosting an elegant dinner party – recipes and table displays included!

Have a sneak preview at his website  all about his love of fine food – the the taste, the display and the enjoyment with good company – it’s all on the “Surgeon in the Kitchen“.