
Adam Frosh has article published on ear discharge

Mr Frosh regularly has publications in the peer-reviewed medical press, including a number in the Lancet and the BMJ (British Medical Journal). A summary of some of his articles is to be found here.

This latest article was about a lady who had earache and a discharging ear caused by a rare condition that needed an unusual treatment. More information about ear infections, that can cause this discharge, is available here.

If you are bothered by ear ache or a discharging ear, this can usually be managed simply in the outpatients. If you would like to make a private appointment, please see the contact details here.

Botox Injections are Effective for Migraine

Mr Frosh has for some time been offering Botulinum Toxin A (Botox) for certain types of headache/ migraine. He has had remarkable success with this simple treatment. Unfortunately it is not available on the NHS yet, but is available in private clinics.

It is therefore excellent news that JAMA (A high level American Medical Journal) has recently published data that shows it has a positive effect for chronic daily headaches and chronic migraines.

It is good news that this information on its success in tackling this debilitating condition has been proved. A summary of the article is available here.

Further information about this minor procedure can be obtained from Mr Frosh directly. Contact details are here.